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Kerak castle is the best preserved crusader castle in Jordan.  It was built in the 12th century at a strategic hilltop position to protect the King’s Higway, an ancient trade route that winds through the valleys of Jordan.   We took a taxi there from Madaba and the views along the King’s Highway were spectacular.  The castle itself was really impressive and there were lots of little hidden rooms to explore.  We met an English-speaking boy and his bedouin father and they were really excited to walk around with us, show us some of the castle, and of course pose for pictures.  On the way out, we tried to catch a bus to Petra, but because it was a Muslim holiday none of them were running.  One guy offered to drive us in our own bus for $70 but we decided to wait.  After several hours, enough people came by that he decided to just to drive down for the normal bus fare of $7.


Posted: July 24, 2012

Author: Adam and Amanda

Category: Blog, Continents, Jordan, Middle East


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