
Posted May 25, 2012 / By Adam and Amanda / 1 Comment
We decided to make a trip to Jakarta to visit Amanda’s cousin on her father’s side, Manny and his family. Manny is the GM at the beautiful Millennium Hotel. When we arrived at the airport we were pleasantly surprised to see that Manny’s driver and another staff member picked us up by car, especially after …

Posted May 19, 2012 / By Adam and Amanda / 0 Comments
It took us quite a while to figure out the actual name of this city. I have seen it variously spelled Yogyakarta, Jogyakarta, and Jogjakarta. It made it pretty difficult to figure out how to buy our departing plane ticket. The airport code is JOG if anyone is interested. Anyway, Yogyakarta, is a big university …
Mt. Bromo

Posted / By Adam and Amanda / 1 Comment
Unfortunately, Pepe’s domain only extended to Ijen, but at least he still wanted to come along with us for the drive to Bromo. We stopped at tourist office in Probalingo to finalize payment for “Bromo system” aka prearranged tourist plan. We stopped by an internet cafe so Mandy could call her mother for her …
Kawah Ijen

Posted / By Adam and Amanda / 1 Comment
I just want to go ahead and say that descending into Kawah Ijen was one of the coolest things I have ever done in my life. For as long as I can remember, I have had a dream to someday visit an alien planet. I think Kawah Ijen is as close as I will ever …
Seminyak, Bali

Posted May 12, 2012 / By Adam and Amanda / 0 Comments
Ubud is beautiful and cultural rich but it lacks one thing: a beach. We didn’t want to leave Bali without checking out it’s legendary beaches so we headed down the coast to Seminyak for a few nights. Seminyak is a couple town away from the world famous Kuta beach. Kuta is the probably the most …
Ubud, Bali

Posted / By Adam and Amanda / 1 Comment
After so much non stop sightseeing in Japan, we were really looking forward to a chance to slow down and relax a bit in Bali. I sent an email to Wayan, the owner of Bali Gen Bungalows which was the same place that stayed in 2006. Baligen is secluded, family-run group of bungalows in Ubud, …